Friday, February 17, 2006

I Digress

So... since I'm actually attempting to keep up with this blog, I thought I'd share some pics from the past few weeks. We've had a lot going on lately!

Two weekends ago, I flew to Dallas to see my sis Erica and her husband Joe. They're expecting their first baby in June, so I was there to help them register for baby goodies. A couple of their friends - who actually have experience with parenting - were there for more practical help. I was mostly there to give input on what stuff is the prettiest :)

Erica at Babies R' Us - she was so proud to park in the Expectant Moms Only lane!

Erica and her Baby Bump. Isn't she adorable?!?

We also got the opportunity to visit with one of my best friends from Mineral Wells, Andrea, her husband Jonathan, and their daughter Alaina. This was the first time we'd gotten to meet Alaina - and she is literally one of the most beautiful and well-behaved babies I've ever met! She was so happy and all giggles.

Andrea and Alaina. What a doll!

All the gals - Alaina, Andrea, moi and Erica

It was such a joy to see them again and catch up. Lance was sad he missed this visit - he was working, of course - so we are hoping to plan another reunion with Andrea and Jonathan soon. It will be wonderful for them to all finally meet each other!

Okay, so fast forward to the next weekend - Memphis was pelted with a somewhat unexpected snowstorm on Friday afternoon. The meteorologists on the local news all said it was coming, but they barely ever get it right - so we thought at the most we'd see a few flakes and that'd be it.

Uh, not quite!

Within 2 hours on Friday afternoon, we had over 1.5 inches of snow. Our office closed early and I ran home to take some pics.

It was so much fun! I hadn't been caught in a quick snowstorm like that in years - since my time out in Lubbock.

Lance was on his way home from work himself, and the next thing I knew the snow had accumulated to over 3.5 inches in our neighborhood! Some parts of town had over 5 inches.

These next shots were taken 2 hours later.

I wanted to get out in the snow and play, but by the time Lance got home (it took over 2 hours for him to make it) it was dark and I figured it could wait til morning.

Needless to say, we never made it outside to make snow angels or snowmen. We're notorious for not following through.


Saturday night was our friend Helen's 30th birthday party. We had such a great time! All of our best friends were there and it was wonderful to help Helen celebrate her big milestone. I have some great pics but I'll have to post those next week. Plus, tonight is Girls' Night Out to celebrate again, so I can post all the pics at once. I'm the DD for the outing to our fave hangout, El Porton, so I get to watch all the girls swim in their margaritas while I chug ice water. It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it!

Oh - and here are some pics of our crazy cat Gracie. She's a cutie! She's made some progress the last few days, but we still have a long way to go.

Gracie was so afraid of us her first week home that she hid underneath the desk like this. I think she thought if she was still enough we'd never find her!

She slowly progressed enough to let us hold her. We're slowly getting her to open up!

Anyway, that's about all from here. I think you're caught up. Have a great weekend - and God bless :)


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