Monday, May 16, 2011

First Mother's Day

I recently got to celebrate my very first Mother's Day. Some say that last year I was already a Momma since I was pregnant with Andrew, but it didn't feel "real" until this year. Having my sweet baby boy to hold and cuddle and kiss -- that's what makes being a Momma so special.

And boy oh boy, did my boys do a great job of showering me with love on my special day! I was given a beautiful necklace with Andrew's name and birthstone (sending Lance links to things I loved payed off in the end, ha!).

Being a Momma has really put into perspective the wonderful job my own Mom did raising my sisters and me. I always knew how blessed I was to have had the parents I had, but now that I'm a parent too -- well, I have a whole new appreciation for everything both my Mom and Dad did for us growing up.

As I grew up and began to meet folks from all walks of life, I never knew that some people didn't talk to their Moms every day... or tell their deepest, darkest secrets to their Moms... or say "I love you" after every conversation with their parents. Those were things that I guess I took for granted. I always felt loved and special and nurtured. I cannot imagine going through life without the support of my parents. Having known several people who did not have the same kind of family life that I did, I am truly humbled to think how my life might be different had I been raised by another set of parents. Of course, God makes no mistakes, and knew exactly what He was doing when he matched us up :)

Today I am so thankful for the gift of being a Momma. I love Andrew more than words can express. And it gets better every single day! I figured since this is my own silly blog, I can honor Andrew in whatever way I wish -- so indulge me for a second as I "count down" a few of the things that I love about life with my baby boy:

M is for making me smile. No matter what kind of day I've had, the second I pick up Andrew from Granny's house -- my heart is completely melted! His face lights up when he sees me enter the room, he squeals with delight, then he raises his arms up to me and kicks his legs while I scoop him up into my arms. Those are the moments I live for :)

O is for observing the world through his eyes. It is truly a wonder to watch him discover something new every single day. I am in awe as his little mind figures something out for the first time. I get to appreciate the world in all its wonder all over again.

T is for trying new things. I admit that before I became a Momma, I had become very set in my ways. Lance and I had our routine and did the same things and went to the same places over and over again. When you become a parent, you're forced to enter a whole new world each and every day. I love every second of it!

H is for loving that boy with my whole heart. Before I became a parent, I heard people say that the love you feel for your children is one that cannot compare to anything else. I thought I knew what it would be like, since I was deeply in love with Lance. But the love that a parent has for a child is incomparable. Getting to hold Andrew for the very first time, I truly thought my heart would burst with love and pride. Each and every day, that feeling gets stronger and stronger. I don't understand how God does it, but my friends with multiple children say that somehow their hearts grew larger with each child, and that they were able to make enough room to love each of their children equally. I can't wait until God blesses us with another kiddo to love whole-heartedly!

E is for the excitement I feel about our future. I was definitely content with my life before I became a Momma, but always knew that I wanted to become a parent -- and when I thought about my future I always had a blurry vision of what it would be like for us. I can honestly say that I am thrilled beyond belief at what is ahead for our family, now that we've added Andrew to the mix. I know that God has some amazing adventures planned for us, and now I can't imagine anything but having our sweet boy next to us as we move through this big world together.

R is for really big belly laughs (okay, I know that was a stretch for "R" but I had to include my favorite Andrew thing). My boy is uber-ticklish, and my all-time favorite sound right now is hearing him giggle to near breathlessness as I tickle his little body. I could listen all day to those laughs!

There are dozens and dozens of things that I could say about my life as a Momma. I will just simply say that I am awed every single day by this amazing gift that God has given me! Andrew, your Momma loves you more than you'll ever know!

Kisses, my sweet sweet boy!

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Favorite Things

Inspired by another blog, here are some "favorite things" I've loved recently:
We recently threw a party at our home in honor of Andrew's dedication on Easter Sunday. I had so much fun making the food and decorations. These two were a hit with all of the guests, and were super easy to make. They will definitely be on my list to make again when the occasion calls for it!

We've been trying to eat healthier at our house. This yummy site is my new favorite place to find meal inspirations for our busy, time-strapped family! As a matter of fact, I just printed out several recipes so I can add those ingredients to tonight's grocery shopping list.

During our family getaway to St. Louis this past weekend (pics to come soon!) we visited one of their many children's museums, The Magic House. They have a special area just for babies under 24 months old. Andrew had such a wonderful time playing in the bouncy balls, watching himself in the mirror, and "singing" along with the songs that played in each room.

I love love LOVE this necklace I discovered on This may or may not be making an appearance in someone's Mother's mailbox very shortly :)

I stumbled across this fabulous blog last week. Who doesn't love to cyber-stalk someone you've never met? :) I've loved reading the honest, sometimes laugh-out-loud posts. It's wonderful when someone shares their great and not-so-great parenting moments for other Mommas. Plus she's an uber-decorator which appeals to the decorator-wannabe in me. She's also the one who inspired this "favorite things" blog and I may or may not have borrowed the categories for my previous update on Andrew from her too. Thanks Katie!

That's all, folks! I hope that since I'm back on the blogging bandwagon, I'll keep this up. It's fun to think about the things I've loved and been inspired by recently.