Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thoughts on Life and Mommyhood

This may seem like a completely random and rambling post... but that's okay. The two of you who read this know me well enough to know that's just how I roll :)

- Everyone told me this would be the case, but I didn't realize how true it was: every single stage that Andrew has entered has been my "favorite." When he was still little, but just starting to look around and be aware and was becoming more interactive, I told someone that it was just "the best" age. She told me to wait until the next stage -- and that would be my favorite... until the next one. It's completely true. Every time Andrew grows and matures and explores and is able to do more things for himself, it overwhelms me how much I absolutely love him at that exact age. Until the next time I stop and realize how much I love this age too. Mommyhood gets better each and every day!

- How lucky are we to have so many friends who love our son as if he were family?!? We are blessed to have incredibly wonderful friends in our lives. Some with kids of their own, some who are using him as their "practice child" until the time comes for their own. We get together on Wednesday nights with two families, and every time Andrew sees each these people he lights up! And the feeling is mutual: those friends treat Andrew as if he was their own, and love him fully. It's amazing to watch. We have a fantastic Sunday School class, full of families around our age, several of whom have young children as well. Andrew loves seeing the other kids in the nursery on Sundays, and it's heartwarming to see so many people stop us at church to speak directly to Andrew and love on him.

- I had no idea I would have to start "disciplining" my child at 10 months! Andrew is such an incredibly laid-back, happy baby -- but I am seeing him start to push boundaries and feel out exactly what he can get away with. He has started throwing his food whenever he's not in the mood to eat. It can be five minutes into lunch or dinner, but if he's decided he's done, the peas and strawberries start flying! It usually only happens at home, but this past Sunday he started throwing his food while we were out at lunch with Lance's family. We've been working on telling him no with sign-language (which our babysitter, Granny, uses with him) and looking him directly in the eye and saying it very firmly -- but when he's on a roll, that doesn't matter. So after three or four handfulls of food went flying, we packed up his food and he went without the rest of his meal. He's also discovered a new "toy" at home -- the doorstops near the floor, which make a really fun sound when jiggled by a little baby hand :) There are two just inside our front door. The reason I don't like him playing with them is that he's managed to pull off the little rubber caps off of both of them, and Momma doesn't like to find her 10 month-old with windpipe-shaped anything in his mouth! He can be playing on the living room floor, with literally dozens and dozens of toys and books -- but if he remembers the doorstops, off he goes! He gets halfway across the floor in 0.5 seconds flat, and when I call out, "Andrew?" he turns, looks me straight in the eye, pauses and waits for me to say, "No, Andrew" -- then turns around and continues on to his goal while I follow after him to bring him back to the safe zone. The little (loveable) stinker!

- My sister Erica will be checked into the hospital tonight, followed by induction early tomorrow morning to give birth to her second son, Maddox. Lance, Andrew and I are driving to Dallas on Friday -- so we will get to meet our precious nephew when is only 1 day old! How special is that?? I am so in awe of my sister. She is such a calm, loving, fun Mom. She doesn't realize how much I have learned from watching her these past (almost) five years, as she has mothered her oldest son Quentin. I only hope I can be half the Mom she is. If Andrew turns out to be as sweet and fun-loving as Quentin is -- I will be one very happy Momma!

- I am getting so stinkin' excited about Andrew's upcoming birthday! On his actual birthday, we'll all be in Houston for a party with our Texas family and friends. We'll also be celebrating our nephew Quentin's 5th birthday, my cousin Aaron's 3rd birthday, my second cousin Joey's 10th birthday, and our new nephew Maddox's "coming out" to the family! It's going to be an incredible day. The week leading up to his birthday, Andrew will be in Houston for the week staying with his YaYa (my Mom), his Aunt Cynthia (my little sis), his GG Mary (my Grandma who now lives with my Mom) and his cousin Quentin (who will be coming down from Dallas for the week). It will be soooo hard to be away from our sweet boy for so long, but we know he's going to have an incredible time. We want to start this important tradition of having special time with my family every summer. The weekend after his birthday, we'll be having his big party here in Memphis. I've been working hard the last week on lots of party things: designing the invite, ordering decorations, deciding on the menu, and buying paper products and party favors. It's going to be a fun-filled day with our Memphis family and friends. I always thought we'd have a low-key first birthday for Andrew (I've never been big on kid parties for 1-, 2- or 3-year olds because I didn't think they needed a big to-do!) -- until I became a Mommy myself, and realized how many people we want to share the day with. That's a blessing -- and it's one to be celebrated and embraced!

That's all for today, folks. Can't wait to share pics with you after our Texas trek this weekend. Love you all!

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