So... Andrew's personal baby website expired -- but to be completely honest, I wasn't a pro at updating it. Since everyone is on Facebook I was not good at posting photos and things on multiple sites. A Momma's free time is valuable enough as it is! :)
I decided to come back here, where I started my blogging adventure years ago. This will be my blog to our sweet baby boy. A place where I can share what's going on in his big bad world... write notes to him... share favorite pics... and just love on him from afar. That's what Mommas are good at, right?
So to start off today... Here's a few highlights of what's going on in Andrew's world these days.
(FYI: I stole these "categories" from another Momma's blog)Mornings: You are the happiest,
happiest baby in the mornings! Which says a lot, since you're pretty stinkin' happy all day long. I absolutely love waking you up (at 6:00). After you've rubbed that sweet sleep away from your eyes, you give me the biggest grin and it's just what this tired Momma needs to get my day started!
Bedtime: We've gotten into a pretty predictable bedtime routine, and since you're following in your Momma's footsteps already, you love and thrive on a routine! You eat dinner at 6:30, followed by bathtime (every other night), then I lather you up with your sweet-smelling lotion, put you in your PJs, let you play with your toys for 15 minutes or so -- then it's off to bed at 7:30! We snuggle up in the rocking chair in your room, where you have a 4 oz bottle (which, to be honest, is more for routine's sake and not for nutrition... we'll be ending this feeding very soon, I think). As soon as you're done, you put your pacifier in your mouth, close your sweet little eyes, lay your head on my shoulder and it's a done deal, baby! I lay you down in your crib, wrap your arm around your giraffe, and kiss your head. Some nights you fight it for a few minutes, but most of the time you are out like a light. It's so much fun for Daddy and me to peek in your room throughout those first few hours. We never know what position you'll be snoring away in! You like to scoot around and sleep in some pretty funny poses, kiddo!
Naps: Oh... naps how I miss thee! Naps are not your friend these days. For some reason you've decided you're not a fan of daytime naps. I think you're too excited about everything going on around you that you don't want to miss a thing. Not that I blame you, kid, but we're working on it! Granny and I are going to try to come up with some solutions to try during the day when you're with her. If you don't get your naps at her house, you're one grumpy boy by the time Momma picks you up -- and I much more enjoy a happy Andrew than a sleepy grumpy one! But we've decided it's only fair that we've found a weakness in you since you are absolutely perfect in every other way :)
Food: Thankfully you are not a picky eater. You love fruits and veggies and meat. Your new fave finger foods are mandarin oranges, grapes (skin-free) and grape tomatoes (skin-free). You love to snack on mini vanilla wafers, animal crackers, yogurt meltaways and cereal puffs. In the next few days I'm going to start introducing a few newbies: cubed cheese, shredded chicken and macaroni and cheese. We've found a couple flavors of jarred baby food that you are not fond of, but when I've tried a second (or third) time to give it to you, you've eaten it right up. I pray you stay an adventurous eater like your Momma and Daddy!
Developmental Milestones & Firsts: Oh where to begin... You are waving "bye bye" and it's so stinkin' cute! You are getting up on your hands and knees and rocking... You are sooooo close to crawling across the floor! You love to roll all over the place. You could literally get around our entire house if you wanted to, but you seem content to stay in the room where Momma is (which I'm thankful for! I'm not yet coveting the phase where I have to chase you around the house!). Since your legs are so strong, and you've been supporting your weight since you were 2 months old, I wouldn't be surprised if you skip crawling altogether and just start walking one day
very soon.
Favorite Toys: The stacking rainbow rings -- the same kind that Momma used to play with as a baby -- are your favorite toys right now. You love throwing them and chewing them and putting them on your feet. You love to read your cloth books, and roll your balls and play with your big toy truck (you love the sound it makes when you push it and it zooooooms across the floor!).
Sizes: You are a growin' boy indeed! In the last 6 weeks, you have started wearing and are about to outgrow 12-month clothes. You're already wearing a few 18-month onesies since you're so stinkin' tall (where did
that gene come from, by the way??). Momma and Daddy need to have another garage sale soon so we can make money to fund a new wardrobe for our big boy!
Momma's Final Thoughts: In three short days you will be nine months old, and I must say that this Momma is in denial! How in the world has the last 3/4 of a year gone by so fast?? You have taught me so much in such a short time. You are such a happy boy that everywhere we go -- the grocery store, Target, church -- people stop me to ask, "Is he
always like this?" I am one proud Momma when I get to tell them all, "Yes, always." I pray you never lose your sweet spirit!
Kisses, my sweet sweet boy!