Thursday, June 29, 2006

Day Two

More pics of our precious nephew!

We can't wait to head out of town tomorrow so we can see him ourselves :) Of course we'll take tons more pics, so I'll post those next week.

Happy Independence Day!

-JessWill :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Here He Is

Introducing our nephew, Quentin Andrew Maese!

He finally made his arrival last night, June 26, 2006 at 8:08 p.m., weighing 8 lbs, 2 oz and measuring 20" long. Erica did beautifully and all are well this morning.

Lance and I head out Friday to meet the newest member of the family! We'll post more pictures soon!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This Says it All

Thanks to Shelley for the awesome cartoon :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Five Things

My girl Shelley "tagged" me - not that I really know what that is, because I'm new to this blogging thing - but basically I got double-dog-dared to fill out this quiz:


1) Leftover apple turnover that I made last week - still there cuz, well, it wasn't very good and my husband is too nice to tell me that it's not edible!
2) Ranch dressing - anyone who knows me well knows that I slather it on almost everything. That's how I got my girlish figure, ya know :)
3) A bag of lettuce that I swear we bought last year - I have a tendency to forget to look in the bottom crisper drawer and whatever's in there usually turns green (the fuzzy kinda green) before we find it.
4) Half of a 2-liter of Diet Dr. Pepper from a party last month - neither Lance or I drink caffeine, so it's just in there til someone stops by who does.
5) Velveeta cheese - cuz a good wife always has a block of processed cheese ready to add her cookin'.


1) A big box of holiday things - Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Arbor Day...
2) Every sweater I own - Lance and I have been lazy this year and haven't switched out our winter and summer clothes yet. Maybe by October?
3) Fifteen pairs of flip flops - what can I say? I'm obsessed.
4) My robe and tassel from college graduation - cuz I just know it will come in handy someday.
5) Two suitcases - from our trip to Atlanta in April. We still haven't put them away. Have I already mentioned that we're lazy?


1) A basket to hold all my "crap" in the back seat - it was supposed to help me stay organized, but I don't know how well it's working...
2) A dispenser of tiny trash bags - in case that organizing thing didn't work out.
3) Loose change - ya know, for all those toll roads in Memphis.
4) My yoga mat - for the yoga class I seem to have abandoned in favor of Happy Hours.
5) A plastic cup - it's been rolling around on my back floorboard for two weeks. Guess that basket didn't work after all.


1) Gift cards - from our wedding that we still haven't used. Whooda thunk I could hold on to "free money" that long!?
2) Business cards - some from folks I haven't seen in years. Guess I should go through 'em, but they make me feel important!
3) Makeup bag - cuz ya never know when you may need a new layer of mascara. Right, ladies?
4) Kleenex - for my perpetually runny nose. Some things never change.
5) Calcium chews - I've decided to start taking better care of myself, so I bought a 90-pack of calcium chews last month. But of course I can't commit to anything for longer than 7 days - well at least my purse won't have osteoporosis.


Yeah right, like 5 people read my blog...

-JessWillis :)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Here We Go Again

Yep, I've been a blog slacker again. But I'll digress, since every entry begins with the same regret...

Life has been busy - but good! - since I last posted.

My 27th birthday was one of my best celebrations so far! Lance was gracious enough to host a big party at our house for 25 of our closest friends, which was a blast. It was really nice to have so many great friends in the same place. Some of them are from different circles (church, work, etc.) so it was nice for some of them to see each other again. It was a Sugar Tooth buffet, so instead of grilling out like we normally do for parties, we had everyone bring their favorite dessert to share! Of course we all got overloaded on sugar, but it was so much fun to sample so many wonderful treats!

But the best part of my birthday was that we were able to celebrate with some great family and friends in Texas. On our way to Houston for Erica and Joe's baby shower, we stopped in Waco to visit one of my best friends from home. Andrea had never met Lance, so it was really special for me to have them finally meet each other (Andrea was a bridesmaid in our wedding, but unfortunately couldn't make the trip to Memphis at the last minute due to medical complications from the birth of her daughter, Alaina, a couple of months earlier). We got to see Alaina, who is 8 months old and just so precious! She was crawling all over the place, and seemed to be enthralled with everything and everyone around her. It was a really great visit. We had dinner with Andrea, her husband Jonathan, Alaina and Andrea's parents (who I grew up around). They even surprised me after dinner with a mini-birthday celebration! They had a cake and presents. I felt so humbled and blessed!

We made it to Houston the morning of the 12th. Being with Erica on our birthday, which we haven't done since we were 21, was soooo wonderful! The whole family - Mom, Dad, Cynthia, Erica, Joe, Lance and me spent the day together. We went to Pappadeaux, our favorite restaurant, for dinner, then back to Mom and Dad's for our birthday gift exchange. How fun!

The next day was Erica and Joe's baby shower. Cynthia, the other hostesses and I went all out - and I think it showed! We had about 25 friends and family members over, which was a great turnout. I know Erica and Joe were thankful to be able to celebrate Quentin's pending arrival with so many special people! They got tons of great things for their son, and they even endured some silly baby shower games! What good sports :)

Of course, at the time of this shower, we all thought Erica would have a good six weeks before Quentin made his arrival - but the week after the shower, she started having contractions. The doctor told her that Quentin could come any day, so the family started getting anxious and ready! At first Erica and Joe weren't ready for him - there was still so much to do! - but once the idea sunk in that he'd be coming early, they were thrilled! She kept progressing - dilating, effacing, etc. - and the doctors continued to say that he'd be arriving any day. Lance and I even drove to Dallas over Memorial Day weekend so we could be there to witness the birth!

Unfortunately, Quentin had his own timetable! Over three weeks later, he's still not here. Erica is one uncomfortable momma. She still has two weeks til her due date, but she's hoping that the doctor will induce soon. She's just finding it hard to do just about anything without being in pain. She had no idea that her "false labor" would last so long. She and Joe are just anxious to meet their son!

If anything, at least we'll have a good story to tell Quentin someday, right? :)

So here we are, anxiously awaiting the birth of our first nephew! We know he'll come when he's good and ready - we are just all hoping that's sooner rather than later. We're just waiting for the phone call from Erica that the time has come! We know we'll be in Dallas either this weekend or next, we're just waiting. Which everyone knows is hard for our family :)

That's all from here. I'll post pics of our beautiful nephew whenever he finally arrives!
